"The Interior as a Background for Life".
Raphael Pennekamp : Kettle’s Yard. A way of life.
Monday, the 3rd of March.
Studio North (E105, on the first floor)
6:30pm. (not 6:00 pm as printed on the posters!)
“Kettle’s Yard is in no way meant to be an art gallery or museum, nor is it simply a collection of works of art… It is, rather, a continuing way of life from these last 50 years, in which stray objects, stones, glass, pictures, sculpture, in light and in space, have been used to make manifest the underlying stability which more and more we need to recognize if we are not to be swamped by all that is so rapidly opening up before us.” –Jim Ede.
Raphael Pennekamp will introduce the idea that art, as a vital part of our everyday lives, can root us in the world around us and inform an understanding of ourselves in it. A setting where one can ‘be with’ works of art, seen next to more ordinary things, can allow us to develop a more personal relationship.
The Interior as a Background for Life. A continuous dialogue between Martina Geccelli, Florian Beigel, John Glew and Raphael Pennekamp.
In order to encourage a culture of open academic exchange in our department, MA&DE has established the format of the ‘public seminar’. A first series of events on four consecutive Tuesdays will address the topic of “The Interior as a Background for Life”. At any one time, one of the four guests will introduce an individually chosen topic, to be followed by a chaired dialog amongst the seminar group. Students are very much encouraged to enter into these dialogs.
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