MA&DE's Diary

Monday, 25 February 2008

MA&DE on Real Time

We wrote an article 'about us' - hopefully if you're reading this, it means you followed the link from Real Time.

It's the stepping up to be part of MA&DE time of year... here's what we said on Real Time:

The Metropolitan Architecture and Design Exchange, the Department of Architecture and Spatial Design Student Society, is now a proud one and half years old. We’ve had a lot of fun, but are thinking the time has come to pass the baton of great extra-curricular activity and antics on to some fresher-faced folks. There’ll shortly be elections in the school to which you can nominate people and/or stand for the couple of official job titles at MA&DE, but there is also loads more we do that you can do too. So, here’s a bit more about us…

MA&DE holds events for and by students - educational, recreational and social. We seek to encourage contact between units, years and courses and support student initiatives.

Last year we ran the ‘MA&DE-up cities’ cinema season, organised ‘MA&DE at night’ socials (we have a soft-spot for puns) and facilitated collecting your feedback on life at DASD to share with the RIBA, when last Autumn, they turned up in their white coats at Spring House.

So far this year, we have set up a tasty range of public ‘freshly MA&DE’ lectures, there has been more of ‘MA&DE at night’ and most recently, ‘MA&DE public’, a series of open seminar debates. We’ve also represented student concerns at meetings – the recycling boxes are here (hoorah) and we’re still working on introducing power-napping sofas as well as a mentoring system between postgraduate and undergraduate students.

You have ideas of other things that can be MA&DE, we hear you say? Whether that be to get a whole school 5-aside football league together, life drawing classes or a photography exhibition, MA&DE can support you. Not an organizer? Have no fear, ideas-people are needed too –there are jobs and roles of all sizes and responsibility.

So don’t sit in the wings, the hard bit is done – MA&DE is up, running and ready for more people and more ideas and initiative. In the meantime, if you feel like flexing your DJing muscles at the ‘MA&DE at night’ party in Celebration Week, then e-mail us at[at]

You can also find us on Facebook, see what’s on next on the yellow board in department or via the web at the MA&DE blog.

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