MA&DE has grown from a small student initiative, which came into being over a drink in a pub, into an active student architecture society. It has been a brilliant year, but we, that is the people filling the “official” positions as Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and PR, think it’s time to make way for new people. Some of us are leaving architecture education for good this summer to enter the “real world”, whilst some will continue at DASD and may try out a different role with MA&DE…
So, without further ado (and before we drift into deep nostalgia), we’d like to announce the MA&DE elections! If you enjoy organising events, liaising between people and putting on socials, then get involved. You can stand for one of the five “official” positions or propose a new job.
Through being part of the MA&DE team, you will get to meet interesting people from the architecture world, plus any position will look good on your CV – but of course, these should not be the only reasons you sign up to the team. You should also be reasonably committed as the positions need to be filled until the following elections in Celebration Week next year. No worries though - the work that is involved is good fun and definitely rewarding.
If you have any questions regarding the “official” positions, please do contact the relevant person:
Postgraduate chair – Stef Rhodes (stefrhodes [at] gmail.com)
Undergraduate chair
Job: Lectures, coordinating the different events, liaising between the school and the society
Postgraduate secretary – Anna Kerrane (anna.kerrane [at] gmail.com)
Undergraduate secretary – Nicky Bruun-Meyer (nib0200 [at] londonmet.ac.uk)
Job: Organising the society meetings, taking the notes, liaising between the school and the students, writing postings on the MA&DE blog and keeping the Facebook group up-to-date
Treasurer – Christian Dimbleby (cpd0014 [at] londonmet.ac.uk)
Job: Liaising between the university and the society and managing the money
PR - Kat Davis (kat.s.davis [at] gmail.com)
Job: Lectures, posters, getting the MA&DE message out there and writing postings on the MA&DE blog
We’ve actually not stuck to these job descriptions - they are more of a general guidance. MA&DE tends to work as a team, with everyone being involved in pretty much everything at some point!
In addition, there have been many more people beyond these “official roles” that have organised specific events within the MA&DE structure. These have included the cinema nights and the MA&DE public seminars. There have also been an important group of people involved with the lectures, poster making and helping the socials to happen, so you’re not alone.
Please let us know under made.in.spring [at] gmail.com or via the election box on the MA&DE board if you are interested in a position by midday, Tuesday 11th of March. The elections will take place at one o’clock at Spring House (location tbc). Anyone who can’t make it in person but would like to stand for a position can send a representative. And again… if you have any questions, please get in touch with us at made.in.spring [at] gmail.com.
Yours truly,
The MA&DE team 2007/08.
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