Why one thing, not another?
Monday, 26th November, 6.30pm
Graham Bizley is a partner of Prewett Bizley Architects and produces a regular feature in Building Design explaining the construction of a recent building. A book, Architecture In Detail collating 40 of these articles and will be published by the Architectural Press in November 2007.
Detailing is the process by which materials are brought into relation with one another. The choice of materials and the way they are assembled are not arbitrary. The designer is required to exercise value judgements, to give hierarchy to the issues of the project, identifying what is most appropriate in a given situation and weighing up the likely effects of different choices.
So how do we make these choices? Why do we choose one thing over another? Using projects from the book, historical examples and the work of Prewett Bizley the lecture will explore the relationship between the concept and realisation of a project, examining how an appropriate balance is found between technical issues, environmental concerns, economic constraints and the desires of the users.
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